The ARIES-TAURUS Relationship
Above, where all had been so still, the air was rent withshrieks and the clash of steel. Below, there was dead
Because Rams and Bulls each have tough horns, the determination of Aries and
the stubbornness of Taurus might seem to be identical traits. They are not, and
numerous incidents will occur between the two of them to make the distinction
For example, an Aries parent wants a Taurus child to eat, and emphasizes it
with a Martian command like: "You swallow every bite of that Wheat Germ and
pick up your spoon this second, do you hear me?" That's determination.
The Taurus child sits quietly, not moving a muscle, gazes back steadily and
says, "No." That's stubbornness.
An Aries boss wants a Taurean employee to work on his or her day off and
states firmly, "I need you on Saturday, and it may take all day, so cancel any
other plans you have." That's determination.
The Taurus employee calmly answers, "I'm busy Saturday. Get someone
else." That's stubbornness.
After a few encounters, the difference between the two traits will become
evident. Determination initiates. Stubbornness reacts. The first is a Positive
action. The second is Negative re-action. Therefore, in any clash between Aries
and Taurus, the Ram starts it and the Bull finishes it. It's important to remember
that. Taurus won't forget it. Taurus doesn't forget anything.
Although Aries people get accused of running around burning their bridges
behind them, and shooting off sparks in reckless abandon, they have their gentle
moments too. Taurus people get accused of always pouting and brooding like
dull globs of earth, ready to smother Arian enthusiasms in negative silence. But
Bulls have their imaginative moments too, when it suits them, and they possess
a thoughtful wisdom and wonderfully warm sense of humor behind that pragmatic
exterior. Still, the essential differences between these two Sun Signs must
be faced.
Rams are inclined to be aggressive, impulsive, bossy, extravagant, talkative
and optimistic. They pursue excitement and quick results - and they require a
dash of magic to make life interesting.
Bulls are inclined to be reserved, practical, usually sparing with words and
self-sufficient, though somewhat pessimistic. They pursue stability, solitude
and sure things - and they require lots of rest and tranquility to make life bearable.
You can see right away that these people are not the Bobbsey Twins. Their
inner motivations, not to mention their outward actions, tend to wander in divergent
directions. However, sometimes it's beneficial to knock around with
someone who possesses the qualities you lack. Because this is a 2-12 Sun Sign
Pattern association, the Taurean is more apt to be tolerant and sympathetic
toward the Ram, and the Aries will try to imitate the Bull's placid stability.
After all, placid stability is more or less synonymous with strength, and Aries
people will try anything - even if it's against their natures - to gain more
strength. Weakness is a four letter word to both the Ram and the Bull.
Although Bulls are equally fond of strength they're temporarily (until their
true ruler, PAN-HORUS, * is "discovered" and named) ruled by Venus, which
tempers the whole thing somewhat, so they're not as intense about proving it or
flaunting it as the Mars-ruled Arian. Taureans understand the compulsion behind
Aries courage and flashing independence, since every Sun Sign carries the
seeds or karmic memory of the qualities of the sign immediately preceding it in
the zodiac, as with every 2-12 Pattern. But because the Bull has already been
there, in an unconscious sense, he's also aware of the pitfalls involved in throwing
caution to the four winds. The Taurus goal of financial security, however,
can often be obtained through cooperation with the tireless drive and energy of
the Mars person, and Taureans instinctively know this, which is one reason why
they're attracted to Aries in the first place.
As for the Ram, he or she secretly envies the Taurus reserve and sensible
outlook, and could profit immensely from being exposed to the Bull's realistic
approach to life. Every Sun Sign unconsciously senses there are lessons to be
learned from the sign immediately following or ahead of it in the zodiac, in a 2-
12 vibration. This is why Aries feels drawn by the dependability of Taurus, as
something tangible to lean on when that Mars rashness brings on a shower of
* The approximate place of an extra-Plutonian planet (Pan) was officially announced by Dr. C.
Muses in 1965, through the publication La ricerca scientifica (p. 200) published at Rome by the National
Research Council of Italy. Pan was calculated to be at 355° celestial longitude (i.e. 25° Pisces),
with about nine degrees of south declination, on January 1,1979, and due to enter Aries in 1984. Muses
notes that the astronomer W. H. Pickering at his observatory in Jamaica during the first half of this
century had previously computed, from extensive data on cometary perturbations, the existence of a
planet with a period of 333 years. Muses' calculations yield a distance of 48.4 astronomical units from
the sun, which agrees with Pickering's period by Kepler's third law.
Astrologically, the two meanings of this planet are expressed by Pan, ruler of chthonic earth
forces and by Horus, restorer of the immortal body in Egyptian tradition. In this connection, Dr.
Muses drew my attention to the startling depictions in the papyri of Pa-di-Amon, Khonsu-Renap, Ta-
Shed-Khonsu, and Amon-m-Set in the Cairo Museum, and also on the sarcophagus of Hent-Taui in
the Metropolitan Museum, New York City.
If a free flow of give-and-take can be established between the Bull and the
Ram, their natures could blend in such a way that each could attain with the
other, through their association, what it would be difficult to realize alone. The
danger inherent in the mixing of their Mars-Venus auras is that the Ram, on occasion,
may exasperate the Bull beyond his (or her) great limits of endurance,
until the Taurean finally makes up that very stubborn Bull mind, after long deliberation,
that it's no longer worth the effort. Conversely, there's always the
possibility that the Bull may so frequently refuse to catch fire from the Ram's
many flaming ideas, sparks of ideals and dreams, that the Aries person will
eventually leave in desperation, to avoid depression - which no Mars-ruled
man, woman or child can tolerate for long periods of time, without relief.
The Ram may be puzzled, and frequently frustrated, by the Bull's periodic
spells of melancholy and introversion, even though it's relieved by lots of fun
and giggles and from time to time may coax the Bull into parties and social activities,
which, if it's not overdone, may help to balance the Taurean's instinctive
"loner instinct" - a trait best not overemphasized. Encouraging the Bull of
either sex, or any age, to express the innate Taurus love of form and color in music
or art - or suggesting ways to retreat to the fields, woods and hills (all Bulls
have an intense, even if buried, love of Nature) - are all ways the Aries person
can use to coax Taurus into more placidity and peace.
The major mistake made by most Arians with a Taurus friend, relative,
business associate, lover or mate, is to press the Bull into a decision. It will never
work. Never. The Bull must decide in his (or her) own time. Demanding,
pushing and insisting (the typical Mars strategy, when Aries desires are
blocked) will only make Taurus more unwilling to budge, often causing these
people to become totally uncommunicative. If Taurus believes that the suggestion
is valid and sensible, he (or she) will consider it, and finally say "okay."
Until then - and otherwise - no power on Earth can force the situation prematurely.
That's the way it is, and no one, not even a fiery Ram, is going to change
If the Bull can learn, as they say out West, to ride "loose in the saddle" with
the Ram, and not always expect the Aries person to be practical, the association
will also be smoother. Rams must be allowed to express themselves through
their own Mars pattern, which must contain a certain amount of violent ups and
downs, in order to eventually learn that impulsive, rash behavior usually brings
regret. The Aries person will undoubtedly benefit from the nearness of a more
stable Taurean to lean on when things go wrong - and he (or she) will accept
advice with surprising docility from the Bull, as long as it's tempered with tenderness,
and isn't offered so frequently or dogmatically as to make the Ram feel
"fenced in."
Aries people of all sizes, shapes, ages and sexes must be allowed to forge
ahead without undue restriction, or too much negative disapproval. Actually, silent
disapproval disturbs the bright, hopeful Aries spirit even more than spoken
disapproval. It seems, somehow, to the direct Ram, more ominous and threatening
- and just plain "scary." Remember, Aries is the symbolic newborn Infant,
just as Taurus is the symbolic older baby. (See the "The Twelve Mysteries of
Love" in the front of this book.) If the Ram's spontaneous enthusiasms are constantly
buried beneath a ton of earthy Taurean "don'ts," he-she may become a
frustrated Sheep - a Ram whose ego has been cruelly nipped in the bud of blossoming.
The Arian needs to be cautioned against all that brimming-over excitement,
now and then, but cautioned lightly, and with much gentleness.
Aries discovers the new country, whether it's geographical - or a mental
continent. With the direct penetration of Mars to the core of any situation, the
Ram leads and pioneers both the land - and innovative ideas. Then the Bull
can enter into his or her own natural activity of building, of turning the country
or idea Aries has discovered and pioneered, into a thriving community - or a
concept that becomes practical and useful.
All human relationships - Life itself - must have, for Taurus, a clear purpose,
and a definite function. Lacking a defined goal of usefulness, in the midst
of scattered thoughts, and aimless activities, the Bull becomes confused, and finally
withdraws. He (or she) learns only through the senses and through experience,
and only by exercising a Fixity of intention can this Fixed Sun Sign remain
true to himself - or herself. To Taurus, every thing, and every person, has
a proper place, and should stay there, serving its purpose, never pretending to
be something it's not. Aries behaves and dreams in a straight line, always going
forward, ignoring the fact that both ends of that straight line are wide open to
the winds of fate, whereas Taurus behaves and dreams in a circle, which encompasses
lessons of the past and careful plans for the future, leaving no opening for
failure due to irresponsible action.
The Ram can help the Bull break open that circle to let in the light of optimism
and new ideas - and the Bull can assist the Ram to bend the direct Mars
straight-line of activity and feeling into at least a semicircle shape, to help close
out some of the inevitable disappointments that will be met throughout the
eventful, Aries roller coaster existence. It's a strange and lovely thing that music,
in any form, will almost always serve to build a bridge of understanding between
Aries and Taurus and heal some of the hurt caused by each other's personality
differences, which can be vast.
Since the Sun is exalted in Aries, these people frequently feel that victory
has been won even before the battle. Every Ram feels an identification with
Birth, Spring and the ecstasy of Easter - the resurrection. It's the reason for
that soul's existence - the miracle he (or she) possesses to innocently offer other
Sun Signs - the way Aries people serve both mankind and their true, inner
self. Aries believes in the triumph of Life over Death, of Faith over Doubt.
However, behind his (or her) bravado lurks the peculiar emotional insecurity of
the Ram (those karmic memory seeds from Pisces, just behind Aries, on the astrological
circle) - and the attempts of an Earth Sign to hold him (or her) back
in any way only result in an increase of this hidden vulnerability. Then, an
Aries person will either suddenly and violently shatter all ties with the smothering
Taurean - or submit, and fall into a sad neurosis, completely unnatural to
the Mars Life Force.
For the reason that the combining of Mars determination with Taurus willfulness
creates an immense amount of sheer power, ancient astrologers warned
that a blend of the Aries-Taurus qualities, if not carefully balanced, can result in
great cruelty. Adolph Hitler's severely afflicted Taurus Sun and Aries Ascendent
(plus other negative natal aspects) is the classic example of this warning ignored.
It can occur within the birth chart of one individual - or become manifest
through an association between a Ram and a Bull, depending always on the
planetary positions of both at birth. The tendency may, of course, be overcome,
through enlightenment, and many Rams and Bulls produce an equally powerful
alchemy of kindness and beneficence via their association. But there are, unfortunately,
for example, some Aries and Taurus people who channel such negativity
by becoming "hunters-for-sport," expressing the dark side of Aries courage
and Taurus strength in a cruel manner, which causes them to be, instead, if they
only comprehended it - cowardly - in the worst sort of way. Shooting a wild
animal in cold blood, including deer, rabbits, ducks, pheasants and all our feathered
friends in the sky - then carrying the silent corpse through town, as a trophy
of macho, is a pathetic kind of cowardice in its lowest form - not the demonstration
of "manhood" or "womanhood" some believe it to be.
If the Sun and Moon in the birth charts of the Ram and the Bull are inhar-
moniously aspected, in mutual Luminary relation to each other, the danger of
cruelty must be guarded against carefully. However, when the natal Sun of the
Ram is beneficently aspected to the natal Moon of the Bull (or vice versa) and if
their mutual Ascendents are also harmonious, in a triple exchanged aspect, Taurus
can help Aries soar to the heights of happiness and serendipity by supporting
the Ram's emotional balloon flights of fancy with warm, kindly patience
(also by providing a comforting, soft patch of Earth to fall on when the string
breaks). And the Ram can lead Taurus to the higher slopes of the imagination,
up where the windswept view of the future is as huge and grand as the Bull's
own sturdy dreams.
"Get your things, Peter," she cried, shaking."No," he answered.... '7 am not going with you."
"Yes, Peter."
A romantic involvement with a Taurus man is sure to be an educational experience
for the Aries female. She thinks immovable objects (him) are simply things
to kick aside, leap over or melt with the irresistible force of Mars heat (hers).
Not this one.
She shoves - he sits. She pushes - he pouts. She demands - he digs in.
Then, look out. The next step could be: she weeps - he walks. Away, that is -
for keeps. But Bulls and Rams can do other things together. Like, if she
smiles - he'll soften. If she coaxes - he'll cuddle. If she bear-hugs - he'll
beam. You'll notice it's always she who initiates the first move between them
of any kind.
They may quarrel about money (her extravagance - his economy), or lock
horns over the Aries need for excitement, and the Taurus need for peace and
quiet. But with some effort at adjusting to each other's different metabolisms
and personal mannerisms, this man and woman can find a rare and very cozy
contentment together.
Since she demands, and requires (both), an abnormal amount of freedom,
it's a fortunate thing the Bull is not unduly jealous. He's not jealous, but he is
very possessive. The difference between these two qualities can be found in the
dictionary - or through living with each other. She's jealous. He's possessive.
They should carefully check Webster, and take it from there.
Yes, a Taurus man is stubborn, there's no denying this astrological fact. His
sometimes blind, unreasonable bull-headedness can be unpleasantly aroused, if
an Aries girl wants him to pick daisies with her when he wants to snooze - if she
subjects him to her friends, when he wants to quietly read - (at other times,
he'll be happy to entertain them all with his marvelous humor) - or if she insists
on spending more than he earns, faster than he doesn't earn it. Yet a wellloved
Bull will bear up under a great deal of "sound and fury, signifying nothing"
but noise and nonsense, with tranquil aplomb. Normally, he'll take it with
an unruffled good nature when she fights with his boss or his relatives, howls
with a toothache, loses her engagement ring in the mashed potatoes at a restau-
rant, and doesn't realize it until after they've left, the place is closed and the
garbage truck has already done its ruthless chop-chop thing.
A contented Taurus man will patiently put up with most Aries misguided
missiles of enthusiasm unless he's pressed too hard, and too often. Then, he's
likely to erupt into the infrequent but ever latent and smoldering Taurean anger.
Rams who have never been exposed to the Bull's anger should not press
their luck. And that happens to be a most serious astrological warning, in no
way intended to be humorous.
If he's handled gently, with a decent amount of consideration for his own
feelings, this man will stick by the girl Ram he loves through the darkest storms,
like a steady rock of solid love, covering the miseries of her mistakes with a
warm, protective blanket of sheer devotion. It's rather like coming home, all
safe and secure, from a long journey through a frightening nightmare of rejection,
where no one really cares or understands. He cares, even if he can't quite
understand her temporary emotional traumas. And he'll usually back up his
caring with a dependable bank account, and a leakless roof over her head (not to
mention a well-stocked refrigerator), to the very best of his steady ability, while
he builds slowly and surely for an even more secure, and even luxurious, future.
In the average love affair or marital relationship between the Bull and the
Aries woman, she'll provide the ideas and the energy while he provides the stability
and security. This applies to both the financial and the sexual aspects of
their cooperative venture.
Although Taurus men are as practical about love as they are about everything
else, they're also deeply affectionate, quietly romantic and deeply sentimental.
The Aries woman who's grown into the mistaken impression that her
usually undemonstrative Taurus lover or husband doesn't really love her anymore
will never fail to be periodically surprised by receiving an extravagant Valentine,
or other card, on some unexpected holiday, which expresses the shy
Taurean feelings tenderly and eloquently, in the words of the verse.
Still, there could be some problems concerning the physical sharing of their
love, after the first magnetic attraction of Male-Positive and Female-Negative
polarity loses its novelty. Sex is, to the Aries woman, a form of release - mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual. It's the visible manifestation of the Mars
Faith and Strength combined, in a powerful urge of self-expression. To her, sexual
activity justifies itself as a thrilling fantasy, which could, in some miraculous
way, known only to her, make every dream she's ever dreamed come true. Sex
is, to the Taurus man, a normal and natural function, for the purpose of achieving
two very tangible and sensible results - the satisfaction of sensual and erotic
flesh needs - and children. A family.
She's compelled to release the Mars sexual energy, even if it doesn't result
in much of anything, except frustration - and imaginative romancing is absolutely
essential to her. He doesn't see the sense in releasing any kind of energy
unless its purpose is to produce something practical and useful - and the typical
Taurean does not regard daydreams as either essential or productive. Consequently,
the girl Ram may gradually and eventually become impatient with
her Bull's desire for frankly sensual and somewhat unimaginative lovemaking -
and he may (at a relatively slower rate of speed) become honestly puzzled by the
trip to the stars she feels must be synonymous with passion, in private, wistfully
wishing he could take her there but sensing they might get lost, because he's uncertain
of the route . . . . and after all, there's no map to guide him. A harmonious
relationship between their mutual Suns, Moons and Ascendents will miracle
away these differences in their natures, and allow the two of them to achieve a
rich fulfillment through their sexual union, as well as in every other facet of
their togetherness.
However, with a tense aspect between their natal Luminaries and/or Ascen-
dents, it may be difficult for the Aries female to keep the Bull in her pasture,
unless she makes a constant and conscious effort to please him, an unselfish
urge that does not come naturally to the typical Arian. It takes mountains of
hurt and resentment to make a Taurus man leave a woman he's once loved (or
permit her to leave his possessive domain), but once he goes, he is gone. Permanently.
A little tenderness today can prevent a lot of tears tomorrow.
Despite the many arguments these two are almost destined to have in the
area of both mutual and individual finances, she'll soon learn a touching truth
about her Taurus man's attitude toward money, which is so vastly different
from her own (assuming they're both typical of their Sun Signs, and their birth
charts don't confuse matters with a variety of planetary positions that create the
exceptions that prove the astrological rules). In the beginning, she'll think he's
an outright tightwad, and he'll think she's as improvident and careless with cash
as they make females (he believes they're all made, more or less, in a similar extravagant
mold). Gradually, however, his great Bull's heart will be moved, when
he slowly comprehends that her carelessness with cash is nearly always motivated
by impulsive generosity. He'll see that, although she spends a good deal of
money on herself (Aries represents the first astrological house; therefore, all
Rams are exceptionally concerned with their physical appearance), she spends
even more through her gestures of giving, much in the sense that a child gives,
with a feeling of sheer delight in pleasing others and receiving the reward of
their happy smiles. He'll probably relax his attitude somewhat then, regarding
his initial disapproval of her wild and carefree spending. In fact, after their relationship
has had time to solidify into a permanent pattern, her spontaneous
generosity may even cause him to love her more.
At the same time he's learning to adapt to her financial looseness, even affectionately,
she will be discovering that he's not such a miser as she first
thought him to be. She'll realize that his caution stems from his uncontrollable
need to be sure of tomorrow's security, his deep-seated fear of being suddenly
thrown out into the street and forced to rely upon the charity of others or the
government, which would kill his proud spirit of self-sufficiency. And she'll see
that, once her stubborn, but kind-hearted, steadfast and loyal Bull knows their
future is reasonably insured (not excessively, as is the case with the typical Crab
or Goat), he's genuinely generous. Barring an afflicted Moon or Ascendent in
Earth or Water elements, he'll be as tickled as she to give gifts to their friends
and families, and lend money to those who need it, without pressing them for repayment
- as long as his basic nest egg for tomorrow is left untouched, the
amount of which, of course, varies with each individual Bull. But the typical
Taurus male won't take huge chances with his security. If his Aries woman tries
to convince him that they should move into a better apartment or house, and
trust a promise someone made to them regarding future paychecks, commissions
or bonuses, to make up the difference in rent or mortgage payments, she's
engaged in a futile endeavor. The Bull won't move an inch until he's sure he can
handle the extra burden. To Taurus there's never been a promise since the
world began that's been made of anything but talk and thin air - both materials
he's found to be totally unreliable for the purpose of building anything concrete
and lasting. Yet, when push comes to shove (an excellent descriptive phrase to
use with Taurus) this man will share half of whatever he has with anyone whose
real need he's been made aware of, most especially his family, friends..........and
the woman he loves.
There may be times when the Bull's stubbornness seems like the coldest
kind of cruelty to an Aries girl. For example, he may say something unkind to
her in public, when she's been frisking too much for his taste and acting up in
general, and it will cut her to the quick. She'll try to force him to apologize,
openly or at least to admit he didn't mean it (which he didn't, and she knows it),
while he sullenly refuses to grant her the verbal solace and reassurance she's
seeking (or, rather, demanding). As she continues first to command, then finally
to plead with him to retract his statement, he'll grow even more silent and removed,
like a chunk of marble, unseeing, unhearing, unfeeling - apparently.
Then she'll impulsively run out, angrily weeping, into the night. He's the
coldest, cruelest man she's ever known, and it's all over between them. He can't
do that to her. A few blocks down the street (maybe twenty or more, depending
on the extent of the adrenalin she was generating when she stormed out of the
place where she left him) - she sees a coffee shop, and wanders inside, to sit by
herself, crying all over her donuts, and fiercely hating him until their favorite
song hits her ears, from the ceiling speakers, reminding her of what she's
lost by walking out on him. So, she pays her check, leaves hastily and ends up
standing on a street corner, forlorn and alone, trying to hail a taxi to take her
home - sorry, at last - and now really frightened. It's late, there are no taxis
anywhere, and she has to walk home, giving her time to think over a lot of things
as she hurries down streets that seem unusually quiet and deserted.
But... who is that there in the shadows, leaning calmly against the building
across the way, waiting patiently for her? It's him. He's still there. She
feels a surge of happiness as she runs across the street into his safe arms. He
didn't go away and leave her after all. It's all right again. No, he didn't go
away - this time. He'll probably still be there, patiently waiting for her after
the next fiery, emotional, farewell scene too. But, someday
If she's wise, she'll count her blessings before it's too late.
"... unless this tie is round my neck we don't go outto dinner to-night, and if I don't go out to dinner
to-night, I never go to the office again, and if I
don't go to the office again, you and I starve . . . "
Even then Mrs. Darling was placid. "Let me try, dear,"
she said and with her nice cool hands she tied
the tie for him.
In an Aries-Taurus romance or marriage, when the woman is the Taurus and the
man is the Aries, the relationship has a slight edge for success over its chances
when the sexes are reversed. That's not a guarantee either way, of course, it's
just what I said - a slight edge. The qualities of passivity, steadfastness, and
quiescent receptivity (Taurus) are more natural when exercised through the female.
The qualities of aggression, independence and forceful action (Aries) are
more natural when exercised through the male - never mind Women's Liberation,
which is right and good and timely and necessary, and all that, but the
passage of ERA is never going to forcefully (or any other way) alter Mother Nature's
basic tenets. At the very least, the conflicts may be somewhat fewer in
number, when she's the Taurean and he's the Ram, in this 2-12 vibration. Still,
it's the intensity of the conflicts, not the quantity of them, that damages any re-
lationship, so these two ought not to become heady with optimism. It depends.
Mostly on the Moon and Ascendent positions of each of them.
A Taurus woman, unless the fourth house of her horoscope is severely afflicted,
is a born homemaker. (Thank goodness somebody enjoys it!) Even if
she has adverse aspects in her birth chart which tend to tempt her into spending
a few years as a playgirl type (a most rare occurrence), her basic desire, nevertheless,
is to create a comfortable home, filled with fine furnishings, good food,
babies and music - with the beds all nicely made, the corners clean, the laundry
folded and put away and all the bills paid. Throw in a flower garden in the back
yard, and an extra powder room, well stocked with bubble bath. She's not unreasonably
jealous, without good cause; she's patient and she seldom nags. She's
normally a warm, gracious hostess for her husband's business friends - and a
pretty good listener.
Now, since an Aries male requires a constant and dependable sounding
board while he discusses his favorite topic - himself - since he frequently
brings people home to sell them a new project or idea he's dreamed up - and
since he's a little careless with the budget, because he never learned to spell the
word "thrift" in grammar school - you can see how a Taurus woman can provide
him with a perfect base of operations. Normally, Aries men like sports, and
the typical Taurus female loves nature. So if the sport he happens to favor is
camping out, or hiking in the woods, add another plus on the potential success
side of their relationship. Otherwise, there might be some Saturday-afternoonfootball
The trouble starts in areas they may never anticipate during the mating
season. She may prefer living in the country or the suburbs, and most Aries
men can't exist for long, without the excitement and action of the city. There
may be some who can, but they're few and far between, and even they like to
flash around in the bright lights on weekends. Camping and hiking aside, he's
not a farm boy at heart. If he has a Taurus Moon Sign or Ascendent, he may
plant a few potatoes or milk a few cows, but essentially, for him, the pull of the
sod will never replace grabbing a taxi to catch a miracle.
Sparks may also fly in the area of mutual funds, because their attitude
toward money is not necessarily mutual. He wants a new car; she wants a new
freezer. Things like that. His favorite man at the bank is the one in the Loan
Department. Her favorite man at the bank is the one in the Savings Department.
You know how bankers like to push their own thing, so these two outsiders
don't help matters any by pulling the Bull and the Ram apart. However,
when he spends money on jewelry for her, or on furniture for the house, she may
be more loose about it. Taurus females usually appreciate fine jewels and luxurious
decor in the home, but they'll expect these things to be practical, made to
last for a few hundred years before they need to be replaced.
Despite her general tranquility, she may lose her cool if he burns holes in
her new couch or spills grape juice on her carpet (before marriage, you can substitute
her new skirt or her carefully clutched pocketbook for the couch and carpet).
It's hard for him to figure why she gets so upset over such small incidents.
To Aries, crying over spilled milk (or grape juice) is a huge waste of time. If
something is lost, broken or damaged, there's always more where it came from.
Taurus has a few doubts about that.
Fortunately, most of their disagreements can be smoothed over by reconciliations
at bedtime since the physical relationship between them can be snugly
satisfying. The Aries male is certainly not unhappy about the Taurus woman's
capacity for sensual, erotic feeling, but he may be somewhat frustrated by her
lack of mystical creativity when it comes to making love. She welcomes sex as a
practical and enjoyable activity that brings a total gratification of the senses and
the added bonus of producing some bouncing bambinos. She may, therefore,
fail to comprehend why sex should be like a wild dream that transports two
souls to the top of a mountain in Tibet, like a comet streaking across the night
sky - or a miracle connected with throwing three coins into the Fountain of
Trevi, in Rome. To her, sex is sex. Love is love. What does any of it have to do
with tossing a few Lincolns into some dirty, green water - or with comets, for
that matter? This woman has a funny bone about sex, since Taurus humor isn't
restricted to any one facet of Life. It's broad. If the Aries man should happen to
step on a tack as he's running passionately toward the bed on their honeymoon,
she'll crack up laughing. His reaction? It may postpone the honeymoon a few
days - or nights - until his Martian male ego has recovered.
Still, although she may remain mystified by his romantic idealism during
their entire association together, it needn't necessarily cause complete sexual incompatibility.
There are deep emotional wells in her, and it's possible that her
ultra-feminine response to the Ram's strong, direct love urges, plus her obvious
pleasure with his masculine charisma, may eventually make him wonder why he
thought he had to go climbing mountains in search of happiness anyway. It's
possible. Not certain, but possible. (Aries is reluctant to accept substitutes for
A word of warning: Just because the Taurus girl doesn't pick up every nuance
of the Aries sexuality, this should not be interpreted to mean that she's not
sentimental or romantic. She is. Oh, she most certainly is! If she's ignored on
February 14th, or if he forgets to remember the day they first met (first made
love together, first decided to get married, got married or whatever, in whichever
order), the inconsiderate, thoughtless Ram who neglected to honor these historic
occasions will never hear the end of it. This woman has a memory like an
elephant for personal injury and emotional hurt.
Some of the astrological descriptions of the Taurus female make her seem
like a contented cow in a pasture, and that's pretty insulting. So what if she
isn't overtly flashy, the center of attention at every gathering? Her quiet beauty
is like a still pool, filled with fragrant lilies, deep in a piney forest. Taurus
magnetism pulls powerfully on a man's heartstrings, because it promises such
peace and rich adventure, especially on a Ram's restless heartstrings. The Aries
male soon discovers that this feminine creature, who is so calm and composed
(the way he'd secretly like to be himself), can fill his spirit with fresh flowers, fill
his house with the music of love and companionship, besides being an uncommonly
good cook. In addition, she can fill his heart with lots of laughs, and a
loyal devotion that can outlast forever. She also knows how to accumulate and
save money. No cow could pull off all that. This girl can well afford to leave the
false lashes (which look like spiders' legs) to the less-female types than she.
She's all warm woman, and she doesn't need the masquerade of artificial glamour
to prove it.
What she may need to do, however, is to climb out of her earthy rut, now
and then. A lady Taurean can seem pretty cold and heartless to the friendly, direct
and open-hearted Aries man when she's made up her mind about something,
and slammed the door in the face of any further discussion. If he shouts
at her that she's stubborn at such times, it will do about as much good as when
she tells him, firmly, that he's selfish and spoiled. In a word - none.
Who, her - stubborn? Who, him - selfish and spoiled? It wouldn't be
wise for either of them to hold his or her breath until the other admits such
character deficiencies.
Lots of affection, plenty of ambition, honesty and the guarantee of financial
security are the four ways to her heart. An Aries man can supply the first three
with no difficulty, but he may have to make some adjustments in his general
life-style to meet her expectations of the last item. Aries incomes do tend to often
fluctuate, and that can make this lady very nervous.
Normally, of course, she's not nervous - only when her emotional or financial
security is threatened. At most other times, she exudes a placid mystique
that can be deliciously relaxing, in particular, to a Ram. It can also be a substantial
aid in recharging the batteries of this man's dynamic Mars energies
when he's run down from his various mental, emotional or physical excesses.
(An Aries man will jog till he drops.) Admittedly, when she goes into one of her
very rare rages, her placid mystique can change into anger of volcanic proportions,
without much of a warning. But it happens so seldom, it's one of the least
likely causes for trouble in their relationship - unless the Ram is foolish enough
to insist on trying to win these infrequent, but dangerous, encounters. It will
never happen. Retreat is the expedient strategy. Go fight an earthquake.
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